16 November 2021

The 10 Greatest Fears That Are Holding You Back (& 5 Ways To Overcome Them)


What is Your Biggest Fear in Life?

We all have answers to it. It does not matter if you are a student, working professional or a business owner, we all battle our greatest fears. But if you want to achieve self-development, and reach your full potential, then you must use fear to your advantage. Push through your fear or self-doubt and go about creating companies, obtaining certifications or developing innovative products! 

It does not matter what is your biggest fear? Whatever that might be. One thing is certain that it affects your emotions, your thinking power, and this, in turn, affects your ability to make decisions rationally. What matters is how you choose to deal with it. Remember, this beautiful quote by Nelson Mandela:

mental barriers

In the same inspirational spirit, this blog will discuss the 10 greatest fears. Additionally, we will also share a few steps on how to overcome people’s biggest fears for personal and professional success & growth.

So if you also want to know what is your greatest fear that is stopping you from achieving your true potential, read on. 

How Mental Barriers Stop Your Self-Growth: Understanding Fear

Fear is the crippling state of mind that hinders you from moving forward, stopping your self-development. Or that constant worry running over and over in your head that what you are doing is not enough.  That you are not good enough or courageous enough. 

You know having fear of something is natural and that you are not alone. But what most people fail to do is that they do not try to look deep into the cause of it. Not going by the dictionary definition of fear. But we all know fear is a state where you feel scared or afraid, regardless of whether you should be afraid or not. Focus on ‘regardless.’ Meaning, it is possible to experience fear even when you actually should not be frightened. 

Fear can also be seen as a ‘fight or flight’ mode. ‘Fight’ or ‘Flight’ happens when our senses and reflexes are quite heightened and it becomes easier for us to decide whether we want to escape the real and physical danger or face it head on.

However, there is another aspect to us reacting to our biggest greatest fears and it is that reactions can only aid us when we are facing ‘real’ physiological dangerous situations. They cannot help you if they are facing self-perceived dangers (which does not harm us physically). If anything, your reaction to the fear only holds you back. For example, imagine a person having stage fright and he is mumbling off on the stage due to his fear of the stage. In this situation, he wants himself to be grounded, calm so that he can deal with things logically and not become over-stimulated.  But he cannot. 

That is where the problem starts for you and you feel yourself stuck. Often the fear that holds us back, stops our self-growth is non-physical fear– fear that exists in our head and tells us whe are in danger when we are not. We will discuss some of the common types of biggest fears later in the blog. But for now, let’s know how fear stops us from being our better self and understand the importance of overcoming your fear. 

Fear Limits Your Full Potential

Fear stops your growth both personal and professional in life. It prevents you from living your best life and becoming a better version of yourself. When you center your life around your fear rather than your own desires, you are letting your fear drive your life for you. You become a byproduct of fear, rather than your choices or desires. This way you can never come out of the land of fear. You become so entrenched in it that you cannot see newer opportunities to grow and stay in a lower level of consciousness, especially if you are someone afraid of changes.

Fear Consumes Your Mind

When you are afraid of something like public speaking, people judging you or feeling that you will disappoint them- all these fears are in your mind. You let your fear consume your mind so you create scenarios where you forget your speech, or mess up a new project and cannot do justice to the task. Even if it happened to you in the past, it’s not like it will happen in the future too. Whatever you are doing or plan to do, you're still in control of that. The future has not occurred yet and you can learn from your past. Only if you do not let fear consume your mind and cloud your decision making.

Fear Is A Waste Of Mental & Emotional Strength

Imagine you spend days or weeks finishing a project but just before the presentation, you are scared of messing it up or disappointing your peers. Do you know what you did there? You cultivated a scenario of fear when there was no need for it. So every moment you spend thinking or making up situations that have not occurred or may never occur, you are pushing yourself inside a shell. Shell of being your old self, not moving forward and just wasting your energy and potential. The more you do it, the more you lose the chance of getting out of it. So try to assess your surroundings, process your situation and try to inject your energy into something constructive, for a more positive after effects. 

You Can Never Fully Run Away From Fear

Yes you might think you can avoid being in situations that you are afraid of, and that might give you a sense of safety. But that is momentary, a delusion of security, when you are actually confining yourself to the fear. Fear is pervasive. You should not run away from fear, you should deal with it. When you keep running away from fear, instead of facing it, eventually you will find yourself backed into a corner, with no way out. So learn to deal with it, figure out ways you can conquer it so that you do not stay a fraction of the person you can be.

10 Greatest Fears That Are Stopping You From Achieving Your Best Life

So if you ever wondered what are people's biggest fears? Here are 10 types of biggest fears that you should overcome to be truly happy and successful:10 fears

1. Fear of Uncertainty

It’s a fear of the unknown. Fear of uncertainty is about not feeling confident in what may or may not happen in the near or distant future. We all worry about the future, grappling with scenarios or creating hypothetical situations that may happen or may not happen. This makes us self-doubt our decision making power. This is because we have already pictured the worst outcome in our mind way before we decide to do or say something.

To constantly be bogged down by ‘what ifs’ or ‘I wish’ is not a way to live. Learn that we all make mistakes in our lives and we all experience regrets. The only way to move forward is to learn from your mistakes and accept life as it is. After all, if the future has not yet happened, why should we be worried about it?

2. Fear of Change

We all want to live a comfortable, secure life and any shift in the status quo frightens us. Fear of change makes us worry, anxious about the future. If you continue to lead your life worrying about the next shift in your life and this way you will develop a closed mindset. Remember, complacency can stop you from taking action and moving forward. You will fail to adapt yourself to your surroundings and miss out on chances that could lead to greater opportunities.  

You have to understand that you can’t ignore change. The only constant in life is change. It doesn't matter where you are in your life or in business, you will have to embrace the constantly evolving technology or trends, and accept new beginnings...Read More


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