7 March 2018

SEO Competitor Analysis

SEO Competitor Keywords Analysis
Knowing how to conduct a proper Competitor Analysis isn’t something every webmaster can be counted on to do.

Some people are just creating their first website and have relatively little experience in scouting the competition, but even these users have very likely browsed the Internet before; they know what they like to see in websites and they know what they don’t like to see in websites. 

This means that even new managers of websites have some knowledge about how to do Competitor Analysis, even if they don’t realize what they know.

In business, regardless of the particular field, it has always been a good idea to look around and see what competitors are doing, then try to apply what’s working for them to one’s own website.
This isn’t always possible, especially for websites dealing with very niche goods or services, but there are some universally good moves which would benefit most websites, like crafting a catch page to collect information from visitors, whereby a phone, email or other advertising campaign could be launched.

First, check out websites offering goods or services similar to those being offered on your own website.

READ ALSO: What Is Seo?

If you’re trying to sell pets foods, look for pets websites; those selling pets’ books, look to websites dealing in the same.

This is a good way to find specific keywords and phrases which are often used when talking about the good or service in which you deal. 
For example, phrases like “soft and comfortable” or “high thread count” are typically used to describe sheets, not grills, so it would make much more sense for them to appear on websites about the former rather than the latter.

While seeing what is present on a website can help you determine what should be added to your own, there is knowledge to be gained from seeing what is not included as well.

Avoid unwieldy phrases and unnecessarily long descriptions, instead trying to say as much as possible with the smallest word count necessary.

Product descriptions are important for telling consumers about what they’re buying, but they aren’t the most important part of making a sale.

That would be the product title, which typically contains the words people go searching for when they want to buy something.

Crafting quality titles for product pages, articles, blog posts, lists and all other written content is what gets that content noticed by search engines.
It might not make sense at first, but long and ugly titles containing lots of descriptive information are actually the best types of titles around. 

For those who regularly sell on websites like eBay or Amazon, this is common knowledge.

For everyone else, simply going to those websites and scouting out top sellers will reveal the kinds of titles they create – as well as clues to titling procedures you can use on your own website, if that’s at all applicable.

Besides looking for established companies and Internet presences to learn from, you can also pick up some good tips and quick information from up and coming companies that are suddenly doing well in the rankings.

If you’re surprised by the sudden appearance of a website doing something similar to your own, don’t be afraid to give the place a look. 
It could be hosted by a more diligent staff which regularly looks for the hottest keywords and phrases and makes a point of using them often on the website.

While amateur websites from novice hosts don’t usually have much to offer, be on the lookout for those that really blow up.

Be aware that if you should run into any measurable amount of success, then other hosts will probably be visiting your website to do a similar kind of Competitor Analysis.

This isn’t a bad thing at all, since every unique visitor to your website who clicks through pages and maybe an ad or two is still helping you out.

Once they are established, great websites have a way of generating their own traffic, even without much oversight from the website manager.
One of the keys to arriving at that place with your own website is to find what’s working for other websites and start doing it on your own.

Remember, this is more about adapting than imitating.

You don’t want to directly copy from another website, and you can add your own unique voice and twist to whatever you find on other websites before adding it to your own.

Good luck!
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