11 March 2018

How To Write Content That Google Loves (Easier Than You Think!)

How To Write Content That Google Loves
In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by creating high-quality sites that users will want to use and share.

The quote above, taken from Google's Webmaster Guidelines, makes it clear how important content now is for SEO.

At the heart of a site that works for both search engines and visitors is great content.

Without that, no amount of SEO or social media marketing will help.

What Is Great Content?
Successful sites consistently produce content that is:

1. Readable
2. Usable
3. Shareable

Let's look at these in more detail.

Not only does your content have to be something people will want to read, it has to be easy to read. 

Good ways to boost readability include breaking up sub-topics within your content, using images and videos to help explain difficult concepts, and visually highlighting one or two quotable "sound bites" that illustrate key points.

Avoid long, dense sentences and paragraphs. Short and punchy works best. 

Most visitors need information.

Check forums, online communities and Q&A sites to find the questions people in your niche are asking.

Providing clear answers with actionable points is a sure-fire way of creating content your target audience will love. 

It's also a highly effective SEO strategy. When you think about it, search engine queries are really questions and if people are asking something on a forum, they're also asking it on Google.
Provide comprehensive, accurate answers and you'll rank highly.

Getting content shared through social networks is vital for SEO. 

As well as being original and well-written, the posts that get shared the most also have a killer headline (one that's challenging, thought-provoking, shocking, funny, or intriguing), and a striking, relevant image.

Page Titles & Keywords
The title of your post or page is the single most important element of on-page SEO. 

Not only do pages with keywords in the title rank better, taking the time to write a great title will make the difference between a moderate click-through rate and a great one. 

The reason is simple. The title is the first thing users see in search results.

In fact, aside from the text snippet underneath, it's pretty much the only thing users can see. That means page titles have a huge influence on whether a link is clicked.

Make sure everything you publish has a title that:
1. Has relevant keywords so it shows up in the right search results
2. Tempts users to click the link to go to your site

Take the title 5 Writing Tips to Jumpstart Your Business Blog as an example. It has the keywords blog writing tips buy also sounds inviting by promising five nuggets of info that could have a big impact on a blog. It's hard not to click it.

Examples Of Great Headlines
One of the best places to see compelling headlines in action is the content marketing.

Take a look at the example headlines below posts, and notice how each has both a clear subject and practically begs you to click it.
  • 11 Common Blogging Mistakes That Are Wasting Your Audience's Time
  • The 5 Things Every (Great) Marketing Story Needs
  • How to Write Interesting Content for a "Boring" Topic
  • 7 Scientifically-Backed Copywriting Tips
  • Seven Ways Writers Can Build Online Authority with Google+
  • 9 Persuasion Lessons from 4-Year-Old
Remember to be punchy and concise. You don't have unlimited space because search engines allow 65-75 characters before cutting off a title.

Optimizing Images For SEO
Taking the time to find striking images to use in your content will bring extra traffic in two ways:

1. Direct traffic from image searches
2. Increased clicks from social networks updates about the post

Here's how to get the most out of each.

Good luck!
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