24 February 2018

How To Start Blog And Getting Results With A Blogging

Which Blogging Tips Get Results
Blogs are one of the hottest things online today.

So many people seem to be doing it and loving it.

And, even better, making money from it.

There is a good chance that you have thought of putting together a blog of your own.

Many people hold the opinion that results of a blog are obtained by maximizing the number of visitors, and that the road to achieve results is only to increase the number of monthly visits.

But the fundamental aspect that you need to establish before creating a blog is your goal.

If one doesn’t know why one is doing something, it is all waste.

A concrete goal will make it easier to understand what to write, who to contact and how to measure the results obtained over time.

Related: Grow Your Blog Audiences

How many physical products you’ve sold, how many info-products you’ve achieved to sell, what level of popularity you’ve achieved (you or your company).

If, for example, you are a private individual who already has a job and want to find a way to earn money online, then you may create a blog, create an info-product based on the needs of your readers and sell it in such a way so as to ensure a monthly annuity.

Related: How To Increase Blog Traffic

To those who have never done anything like starting a blog before, it can probably seem like a mysterious and complicated process.

But starting a blog is actually much easier than you think. In fact, one of the common comments from new bloggers is, "I can't believe how easy it was."

Here are a few tips that will help you get your blog up and running.

Choose Your Niche Market

The first step is to choose your topic.

Ask yourself what you want to write about?

What are people looking for?

What are they willing to pay for?

Each blogger should identify his niche market (a set of individuals - in this case the visitors – who share same interests, problems, doubts etc.).

For example, let’s look at a niche market for diets.

At the beginning, it is good to choose a niche as specific as possible.

It helps you get recognized as an expert of the niche. About diet, you can choose for example the niche "Paleo diet".

Related: Best Tool To Create A Blog

They might not be particularly unique, but in my experience a blog on one of the following subjects is sure to be popular:
  • Relationships
  • Money
  • Dieting
  • Health and Fitness
  • Parenting

There is a lot of competition but that isn’t a bad thing. There are BUYERS in these niches.

I also found the following list which could be helpful

The World's Largest Profitable Blog Niche Ideas For Your Online Business List: 

Profitable Niche Blog Ideas

One of the posts recommends that you combine two of the subjects. I think that’s a really good idea, as this would make your blog unique.

Okay, so by this point you might have a couple of ideas in mind - maybe two or three?

Related: Selecting The Right Blog Platform

This is a way to narrow down that list and make your final decision. At the end of this process, I'd suggest you pick the one that has the most traffic potential and that you wouldn't mind writing about on a very regular basis.

Take your list of ideas and think carefully about what people would type into the search engines to find the type of information you want to blog about.

Let's work through an example.

Let's say we want to blog about Home Business Ideas. What would people type in the search engines to get more information on this subject?
  • how to make money from home
  • home based business ideas
  • home business ideas
  • legitimate work at home jobs
  • work at home businesses

Those were just a few from the top of my head.

Go to this address: https://keywordseverywhere.com/ubersuggest.html

Download the extension for Google Chrome or Firefox (in doing so every time you type a word on

Google, you will tell you the exact monthly volume research and cost per click associated with any campaign with Adwords)

After installing the extension, go to: https://ubersuggest.io/

Related: Finding Your Blog Niche

Enter these keyword terms and it will present the exact volume of the keywords you choose, showing all possible combinations with other search terms.

It would be better choosing a more specific one with at least 30,000 researches per month.

Be firm with yourself, make your final decision and stick to it!

If you really can't choose between couples of things, perhaps you can combine them on the one blog, as suggested earlier, for a unique approach.

But remember once you have a routine of putting content on your blog, it's been monetized and you have got a steady stream of traffic, then there is nothing stopping you starting another blog and repeating the whole process.

That’s the beauty of blogging – they can be set up very easily and you can be making money from them VERY quickly indeed...

Choose Your Platform
I personally advice you WordPress, which is really easy to install. In fact, with most web hosts, you can install it in just a few clicks, and have your blog up and running in less than ten minutes.

Do not worry about how to do it, because I am going to explain you everything in the next chapters.

Post Daily
When you first start your blog, try to post in its daily for at least a week.

There are two good reasons for this. First, it will give you a good head start, and help to fill up your currently empty site with good content.

Related: Deadly Mistakes In Business Blogging

And, secondly, posting frequently will help you quickly get comfortable with the process of writing posts, and using the blogging software.

If you have been asking yourself, "How do I start blogging?" these are the three easy steps you should follow. As simple as that, you can have your blog up and running.

And, once you get your first one off the ground, your second, and third and fourth will be even easier.

Good luck!
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Founder, BlogTechy

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